Surah Al-Qasas 8
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
Ta-Seen-Meem. (Alphabets of the Arabic language – Allah and to whomever he reveals, know their precise meanings.) (1) These are verses of the clear Book. (2) We shall narrate to you the true tidings of Moosa and Firaun, for the people who have faith. (3) Indeed Firaun had achieved dominance in the earth and made its people subservient to him – seeing a group among them weak, he used to kill their sons and spare their women; he was indeed very mischievous. (4) And We willed to favour those who were weak in the earth, and to make them leaders and to make them the inheritors (of the land and wealth of Firaun’s people). (5)
And to give them control in the land, and to show Firaun and Haman and their armies what they fear from them. (6) And We inspired the mother of Moosa that, “Suckle him; then when you fear for him, cast him into the river and do not fear nor grieve; We shall indeed return him back to you and make him one of the Noble Messengers.” (7) So the family of Firaun picked him up, in order that he become their enemy and a sorrow upon them; indeed Firaun and Haman and their armies were guilty. (8) And Firaun’s wife said, “This child is the comfort of my eyes and yours*; do not kill him; perhaps he may benefit us, or we may adopt him as our son” – and they were unaware. (Had Firaun also said the same, Allah would have granted him faith.) (9) And in the morning, the heart of Moosa’s mother became impatient; and she would have almost certainly given away his secret had We not strengthened her heart, so that she may have faith in Our promise. (10) And she said to his sister, “Go after him” – she therefore observed him from far, and they were not aware. (11) And We had already forbidden suckle-nurses for him, so she said, “Shall I show you a household that will nurse this child of yours, and they are his well-wishers?” (12) So We returned him to his mother in order to soothe her eyes and not grieve, and to know that Allah’s promise is true – but most people do not know. (13)
And when he reached his maturity and full strength, We gave him wisdom and knowledge; and this is how We reward the virtuous. (14) And he entered the city when its inhabitants were sleeping unaware in the afternoon – he therefore found two men fighting; one was from Moosa’s group, and the other from among his enemies; so the one who was of Moosa’s group pleaded to Moosa for help against him who was of his enemies – therefore Moosa punched him thereby finishing him; he said, “This act was from the devil*; indeed he is an open enemy, a misleader.” (* The act of oppressing the man from Bani Israel). (15) He said, “My Lord! I have indeed wronged my soul* therefore forgive me” – He therefore forgave him; indeed only He is the Oft Forgiving, the Most Merciful. (* By getting angry.) (16) He said, “My Lord! The way You have bestowed favour upon me, so never will I be a supporter of the guilty.” (17) So he was in the city at morning fearing, waiting to see what happens – thereupon he sighted the one who had appealed to him the day before, crying out to him for help; Moosa said to him, “Indeed you are clearly astray.” (18) So when Moosa wished to apprehend the man who was an enemy to them both, he said, “O Moosa! Do you wish to kill me the way you killed a man yesterday? You only wish to become a strict ruler in the land, and not to make reform.” (19) And a man came running from the outer part of the city; he said, “O Moosa! Indeed the court members are considering killing you, therefore go away – I surely am your well-wisher.” (20) So he left the city in fear, waiting to see what happens; he said, “My Lord! Rescue me from the unjust people.” (21)
And when he turned his attention towards Madyan he said, “It is likely that my Lord will show me the right path.” (22) And when he came to the water of Madyan he found a group of men, watering their animals; and away from them he found two women restraining their animals; he said, “What is the matter with you?” They said, “We do not water our animals till all the shepherds water and take away their animals; and our father is very old.” (23) Therefore Moosa watered their animals for them, and then turned towards the shade and said, “My Lord! I am in need of the sustenance you may send down for me.” (24) So one of the two women approached him, walking shyly; she said, “My father is calling you, in order to give you wages because you watered our animals for us”; when Moosa came to him and had told him the story, he said, “Do not fear, you are safe from the unjust people.” (25) One of the two women said, “O my father! Employ him – indeed a strong and trustworthy employee is better.” (26) He said, “I wish to give you one of these two daughters of mine in marriage, the bridal money being that you work for me for eight years; then if you complete ten years, it will be from you; and I do not wish to put you in hardship; Allah willing, you will probably find me of the righteous.” (27) Said Moosa, “This is agreed between me and you; there shall be no claim upon me if I fulfil any of these two terms; and Allah is the Trustee upon this word of ours.” (28)
So when Moosa completed his term and was travelling with his wife, he saw a fire in the direction of the Mount (Sinai); he said to his wife “Stay here – I have sighted a fire in the direction of the mount – perhaps I may bring you some news from it, or an ember so that you may warm yourselves.” (29) And when he reached the fire, he was called out to from the right side of the valley in the blessed field, from the tree, “O Moosa! Indeed I am truly Allah, the Lord Of The Creation.” (30) “Put down your staff”; so when Moosa saw it writhing like a serpent, he turned moving away without looking back; “O Moosa! Come forth and do not fear; indeed you are in peace.” (31) “Put your hand inside your armpit – it will come out shining white, not due to any illness; and put your hand on your chest to remove the fear – so these are two proofs from your Lord to Firaun and his court members; indeed they are a lawless people.” (32) He submitted, “My Lord! I killed a soul among them and I fear they will kill me.” (33) “And my brother Haroon – he is more eloquent than I am in speech, therefore in order to help me, appoint him as a Noble Messenger so that he confirms me; I fear that they will deny me.” (34) He said, “We will soon strengthen your arm with your brother, and give you both dominance, so they will not be able to harm you; due to Our signs; you both, and those who will follow you, will be victorious.” (35)
Therefore when Moosa came to them with Our clear signs they said, “This is nothing but invented magic, and we never heard anything like this among our forefathers.” (36) And said Moosa, “My Lord well knows him who has brought guidance from Him, and for whom will be the abode the Hereafter; indeed the unjust never attain success.” (37) And Firaun said, “O court members! I do not know of any other God for you, except myself; therefore, O Haman, build a lofty palace for me by baking concrete in order that I may sneak a look at the God of Moosa – and according to me, he is indeed a liar.” (38) And he and his soldiers wrongfully sought greatness in the land, and assumed they would never be brought back to Us. (39) We therefore seized him and his armies, and hurled them into the sea; therefore see what sort of fate befell the unjust! (40) And We made them leaders of the people of hell, inviting towards the fire; and they will not be helped on the Day of Resurrection. (41) And We set a curse after them in this world; and evil is for them on the Day of Resurrection. (42) And We indeed gave Moosa the Book after We had destroyed the former generations, having enlightenment for mankind, and a guidance and a mercy, for them to accept advice. (43)
And you (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him) were not on the western side of the Mount when We sent the command of Prophethood to Moosa, and you were not present. (Yet you narrate the account very clearly to the Jews and Christians.) (44) However, We created generations and ages passed by upon them; and nor were you dwelling with the people of Madyan reciting Our verses to them – however it is We Who made the Noble Messengers. (45) And nor were you beside the Mount when We proclaimed – however it is a mercy from your Lord* so that you may warn a nation towards whom no Herald of Warning came before you, in the hope of their heeding advice. (*That He has bestowed knowledge of the hidden to you) (46) Otherwise, if some disaster befell them because of what their own hands have sent forward they would say, “Our Lord! Why did you not send a Noble Messenger towards us, so we may have followed Your signs and accepted faith?” (47) So when the Truth* from Us came to them, they said, “Why has he not been given what was given to Moosa?” Had they not disbelieved in what was earlier given to Moosa? They said, “They are two magicians, who support each other”; and said, “We disbelieve in both of them.” (* Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him). (48) Proclaim (O dear Prophet Mohammed – peace and blessings be upon him), “Therefore bring a Book from Allah which is better guiding than these two – I will follow it – if you are truthful.” (49) So if they do not accept your challenge, then know that they only follow their desires; and who is more astray than one who follows his desires away from the guidance of Allah? Indeed Allah does not guide the unjust. (50)
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