Learn Quran, learning quran online, learning quran online for kids, Online Quran Classes, online quran project, Quran Online

Our #online Quran tutors equip students with the skill to read the Quran correctly and enhance students to memorize #Quran, #Salat, #Kalimas, #Hadith and #Dua's.
You can do this by just sitting in front of Computer without leaving your home. Tutors and student talk to each other and see the same lesson on their #computer screens during the #class.
E-Learning Holy Quran has been providing the services of Quran teaching in different cities of #Australia since 2012. Students from #Sydney, #Perth, #Wodonga, #South Hedland, #Canberra and some other cities have been studying #Quran, #Tajweed, #Namaz, #Duaa, #Kalimat and #Tafseer #lessons #online with our well qualified and expert teachers for years. The trust of their parents upon our services is our guarantee, because we are committed to provide quality education to make sure that our students must be able to lead their lives in the light of Islamic teachings and demonstrate themselves as good humans in this world and get their reward in the hereafter.
For Further Information contact us via Email address given below: info@elearningholyquran.com
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